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SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Customer Perceptions of Service Quality

Journal of Retailing, Vol. 64, No. 1 Spring 1988, pp. 12-40.

Valarie A. Zeithaml
Leonard L. Berry


This study developed a generic instrument called SERVQUAL to measure service quality based on input from focus groups. The objective is to develop a scale that measures service quality as perceived by customers and which is applicable over a wide range of service categories. In this study, from 10 determinant of SERVQUAL from past study, the determinant was reduced into 5 determinants, they are tangibles, relianility, responsiveness, assurnce, and empathy. 
  1. Reliability, consistency of performance and dependability
  2. Responsiveness, willingness or readiness of employees to provide service
  3. Competence, required skill and knowledge to perform the service
  4. Access, approachability and ease of contact
  5. Courtesy, politeness, respect, consideration, and friendliness
  6. Communication, keeping customers informed in language they can understand
  7. Credibility, trustworthiness, believability, honesty
  8. Security, freedom from danger, risk, or doubt
  9. Understanding/knowing, understand customer’s need
  10. Tangible, physical evidence of the service



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