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Influence of Shopping Orientation and Store Image on Patronage of Furniture Store

International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1; May 2010

Yasmin Hassan
Nik Maheran Nik Muhammad
Hatinah Abu Bakar

Knowledge on furniture consumers’ retail patronage will promote and enhance efforts to increase sales at furniture stores and could guide future research. This research therefore was proposed to develop a general model of retail patronage and to empirically test the relationships proposed in the model in the context of  furniture market. The objectives of the study include 1) is to review existing retail patronage models and related literature 2) to develop a general framework of retail patronage behavior and 3) to test the model in the furniture store shopping patterns. Based on a review of the literature the study proposed to adapt Darden’s patronage model of consumer behavior. 115 data were collected through survey questionnaires and the underlying relationship among the variables that characterize consumers’ patronage behavior towards furniture was studied.
Statistically it was found that in terms of shopping orientation, the apathetic shopper and the personalizing shopper was influenced by the lifestyle of the consumer and hence influenced the customer patronage. Store image on the other hand was found to enhance the impact on consumer patronage of the furniture store and  moreover acted as both the predictor and the moderator.
Keywords: Patronage, Store image, Shopping orientation


A Factor Analysis Approach for Understanding Attitude and Consumer Behavior Toward Supermarkets in the Bangkok Metropolitan Areas

ANZMAC 2002 Conference Proceedings

Veerapong Malai
Wuttisak Pitsuwan

This paper examines the attitude and consumer behavior toward supermarkets in Bangkok Metropolitan Areas by surveying 625 respondents, randomly chosen from within 50 areas in Bangkok using a self-administered questionnaire. The fundamental outcomes demonstrate that management strategies for supermarket-retailing store businesses should be different depending on the type of supermarkets. For example, when practitioners intend to expand outlets in department stores, location is the first element to be considered. For supermarkets in discount stores, customers typically prefer the stores that offer reasonable product price and sales promotion. In addition, store atmosphere was found to be the least significant factor in accounting for the preferences for consumers of supermarkets in discount stores and in department stores.


Consumer Shopping Behaviors and In-Store Expenditure Decisions

CiteSeerX, May 25, 2000

David R. Bell, Randolph E. Bucklin and Catarina Sismeiro

The authors study the effect that consumers’ adopted shopping patterns have on their responsiveness to pricing activity of retailers. Two important dimensions of shopping behavior — inclination to switch stores and preference for a particular retail price format (every day low price (EDLP) or promotional price (HILO)) are hypothesized to systematically affect the responsiveness of in-store expenditure decisions to changes in prices. In particular, store loyal households should be more responsive to changes in prices when deciding how much to buy in a given store. Similarly, the household shopping in a HILO format (where price variability is greater) should be more responsive. These hypotheses are developed and then tested using a joint model of store choice and in-store expenditure which accounts for potential interdependence between these decisions.
The findings attest to the ability of consumers to exploit variation in the environment: When constrained on one dimension (e.g., by shopping in only one store), consumers exhibit flexibility on another (e.g., by adjusting expenditures in response to price changes). If afforded the opportunity to be flexible (e.g., through variable prices at a HILO store), consumers take advantage of this. These aspects of shopping behavior interact in a theoretically interesting, but counter-intuitive way: the expenditure decisions of HILO switching consumers turn out to be  the least responsive to changes in prices at a particular store. These shoppers exploit advertised price differences and move among stores. This responsiveness in the store choice decision means they have less incentive to exhibit flexibility in their expenditure decisions at a given store. The authors present estimates from a series of models calibrated on a scanner panel data set which captures store choices and expenditure receipts, and find all hypotheses to be supported.
Key Words: Shopping Behavior; Store Choice; Expenditure; Selectivity Bias


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